Monday, January 4, 2010

Buy Local: Talent Edition


With all the emphasis on Fresno's image lately, people have really taken ownership of best and brightest of Fresno. If the image is going to change, it will require people to do things differently.

Here's my take: let's identify people who are already doing things differently.

So we have some "best and brightest" right under our collective noses. These are people who are ready running businesses that offer services and products that we might just need. Stop hiring outside consultants and service providers. Start Buying Local as it relates to talent.

During the month of January, I am joining other "Buy Localites" in documenting the best of Local. I am going to profile local talent.

Hey, if you like what you read about the local brains, hire them for some work, invite them to serve on your board of directors, refer them to others, or take them out for a beer/coffee/cup of water.

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